Moving to

I have had a lot of fun making this blog. It’s based of Hugo, a static website generator written in Go. However, I wanted to switch to something based on JavaScript and React.js as that’s what I know and love. I experimented with react-static and later with Next.js on a new domain at I’m very pleased with this new setup as not only will I be able to write articles, but I will also be able to develop the website to my heart’s content.

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My favourite apps in 2020

I am a productivity geek and one of the things I’m particularly fond of is using software to make my life as lazy as possible. In this article, I share some of my favourite iOS and macOS apps. Note that some of these may be UK specific. I had to make some pretty hard decisions about removing many not-as-awsome apps from this list. These remaining ones are the cream of the crop. :) I hope you like some of them.

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Getting started with JavaScript

JavaScript is the most fun language I have ever played with. Today, I’m a full-stack web developer working in London as part of a fab team. So, I have brilliant and experienced people around me to guide me. However, two years ago, when I first decided to learn JavaScript, I remember being very confused about where to start. There are way too many frameworks and courses to choose from and I didn’t know how to make those choices. In this article, I make some of those difficult choices for you and help you get started with JavaScript. The goal is to help you rapidly reach a point where you know enough to figure out your own way forward. I hope you find it useful.

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Continuous Integration of LaTeX projects with GitLab Pages

Do you use LaTeX? I used to hate writing reports until I discovered LaTeX. However, one issue I had with it was that there was no easy way of sharing the PDF output online, especially if it’s something that’s a work in progress that you might want to edit and deploy frequently. This is particularly true in the case of CVs and resumes. In this article, I show you how to set up Continuous Integration [CI] of LaTeX projects with GitLab Pages. Once that’s set up, all it takes is a commit and a push, and voila, your finished work is published online within minutes! My own CV is deployed this way.

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If I could travel back in time and give my teenage self some advice

Last year, I visited my high school and was invited to give a talk to their GCSE and A-level students. I’m sure there was lots of room for improvement in my speech, but I enjoyed the experience regardless. In this article, I present the advice that I would give my teenage self if I could travel back in time (assuming I don’t have to worry about causality or time travel paradoxes). This article is aimed at children, teachers, parents and free-thinkers who might have an interest in what I have to say on the subject.

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Why everyone should learn to code?

Digital transformation. Big data. Machine learning. Artificial intelligence. Internet of things. Industry 4.0. There is a digital race going on which every business is taking part in whether they know it or not. With all this excitement about, we all have to ask ourselves whether we have the right skills to thrive in the near future.

Contrary to what the title says, what I actually want to explore in this article is whether or not you should learn to code. It is aimed at undergraduates or employees who don’t have a coding background but are wondering if it’s worth learning to code.

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